Bucket Truck Instructor Training Kit


The kit contains:

Bucket Truck Safety Fundamentals Spiral- contains instructor tips, instructor guide, and a practical hands-on evaluation guideline

Thumb Drive- contains powerpoint presentation, forms, and regulations

*In order to comply with CTS training standards, each trainee must have their own study guide.  All material is protected by copyright law and may not be copied or reproduced.



Topics presented in class

  1. Program purpose, operator training objectives
  2. Safety violations and accidents
  3. Regulations and standards
  4. Operator’s manuals
  5. Types of bucket trucks and major components
  6. Bucket and ground controls
  7. Bucket structure, load rating and anchorage point
  8. Operational and safety decals
  9. Safety devices
  10. Bucket truck safety/road kit
  11. Required inspections (Annual, Periodic, Pre-use, Workplace)
  12. Reporting unsafe conditions, job safety analysis
  13. Required maintenance
  14. Stability and capacity characteristics
  15. Lever principle, the center of gravity
  16. Bucket truck configuration, boom extension, height, and turret rotation
  17. Stability enhancing devices, supporting surface and machine set up
  18. Operational hazards, electrocution hazards, dealing with powerline emergencies
  19. Safe transportation on public roads
  20. Fall protection overview
  21. Operator factors and personal protective equipment
  22. Stowing the unit, stopping and parking
  23. Written test

Bucket truck hands-on and evaluation

  1. Body harness and lanyard inspection, donning/doffing a full-body harness
  2. Complete job safety analysis
  3. Complete bucket truck pre/post-inspection
  4. Practical Evaluation of trainee on work-related course
  5. Review of evaluation

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