Excavation & Trenching Safety Instructor Kit


The kit contains:

Excavation & Trenching Safety Fundamentals Spiral- contains instructor guide and instructor tips

Thumb Drive- contains powerpoint presentation, forms and regulations

*In order to comply with CTS training standards, each trainee must have their own study guide.  All material is protected by copyright law and may not be copied or reproduced.


Excavation and Trenching Safety Fundamentals training complies with training requirements established by The Occupational Safety & Health Act, Subpart P, Section 1926 Excavations.

Topics presented in Class:

  1. Definitions
  2. Site Evaluation Planning
    1. Hazards
    2. Protective Systems
    3. Utility Safety
    4. Soil – Definitions, Test Methods and Mechanics
  3. Cave-Ins
    1. Adjacent Structures
    2. Shoring
    3. Trench Shield
    4. Materials and Equipment
    5. Sloping & Benching
    6. Spoils
    7. Loose Rock and Soil
  4. Additional Hazards
    1. Atmospheric
    2. Access and Egress
    3. Vehicles
    4. Falls
  5. Daily Inspections
  6. Written Exam

Excavation and Trenching Safety Fundamentals Hands-on and Evaluation

  1. Excavation Inspection Summary
    1. Review evaluation with trainee

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