Safe Driving Instructor Kit


The kit contains:

Safe Driving Fundamentals Spiral- contains instructor tips, instructor guide, and a practical hands-on evaluation guideline

Thumb Drive- contains PowerPoint presentation, forms, and regulations

*In order to comply with CTS training standards, each trainee must have their own study guide.  All material is protected by copyright law and may not be copied or reproduced.


Topics Presented in class

  1. Statistics, Accident Types and Rules of the Road
  2. Mirror Adjustment
  3. Offensive vs Defensive Driving
  4. Space Management
  5. Backing
  6. Intersections
  7. Lane Changing
  8. Expanding Vision and Taking in the Whole Scene
  9. Communicating Actions
  10. Leaving Enough Space
  11. Seatbelts
  12. Peripheral and Central Vision
  13. Speeding, Stopping Distance and Escape Route
  14. Driver Factors
  15. Driving Under the Influence
  16. Fatigue Driving
  17. Expectations and Reinforcement
  18. Aggressive Driving and Road Rage
  19. Cell Phones and Driving
  20. Driving Conditions
  21. Written test

Safe Driving Hands-on and Evaluation

  1. Aggressive Driving Assessment
  2. Vehicle Pre/Post Inspection
  3. Driving Practical Evaluation
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